Elidragon is a group of programming pupils of the
KGA. Anyone from this school is welcome to join.
Elidragon is a group for coders and people who are intrested in computers. You dont have to be a geek to join, everyone is welcome.
At the moment, we have eight members and meet every break at some tables in the ground floor to talk about our software projects, problems we experience and possible solutions to the problems, we also just joke around and talk about other things.
Every Saturday, we meet at someone's home to code, listen to music and eat pizza.
Are you good with computers and often feel like a cat-o'-nine-tails because of that? You're not the only one! In our group you can be yourself without being an outsider.
Or are you a total noob in computer things but would like to learn something? Then you're also welcome. If you're really interested, the experienced members can teach you the basics and much more.
We organize ourselves without adult help. This means freedom but also responsibility.
At the meetings and in emails we speak German, but for publications in the internet we use English as the common language in the computer world.
If you are bad at English, this is no problem as there are members who can translate for you.