Versions - Dragonblocks Wiki - Elidragon


Version Overview

3.0DragonblocksDragonblocks Engine-unreleased-

Plans for Future Versions


  • Complete Engine Upgrade
  • Be able to save multible worlds on the server
  • Improved Physics Engine
  • Inventory
  • Be able to choose the Mods you want to play with
  • Better Mapgen
  • Easy Minetest-Inspired Modding API
  • An IRC-like console


  • Ores
  • Crafting
  • Chests & Furnaces
  • Skyblocks


  • Minetest-Inspired Privilegues, like fly, fast, noclip usw.
  • Home Function
  • Damage & Hunger
  • Maybe Nether & End


  • Mobs
  • Technic
  • Tools
  • Bows & Arrows
  • Daylight Cycle


  • Mulitplayer!
  • Claim Buildings

Version History


It all begun at 01.01.2019, when I [Fleckenstein] decided to do a new Eligame. I wanted to make it a Jumping Game in which you need to jump down from the top,a little bit like Doodle Jump, just inverted. For it were christmas holidays, i time for coding the whole day and after three days i was finished. The Engine was done (through it had many bugs) and so was the first level. But in these time programming style, seperation of engine and game et cetera were unknown words for me. I didn't understand my own code anymore and stopped the Project.


But the story continues: three months after the start of it all, at the 01.03.2019, in the easter holidays. I spent the previous week with hard gaming. I played 10 hours a day on, a Capture the Flag minetest server. But after six days it got kind of too boring. So i started to code. My plan was a redo of my project from three months ago, but this time with a better concept: 2D Sandbox (like Minetest, just 2D). I named the Engine and the Game Gravity, because was the most difficult of the whole project: the physics Engine. After three days the goal was actually reached. Then School started again and there was no time for coding (or gaming) anymore.


The one who made me contine the project was my Friend DerZombiiie. He liked the project because he is a big Minecraft fan himself and we started working on the version 2.1. I brought my laptop to school everyday and in the breaks me, DerZombiiie and SC++ sat on a couch in the school libary, developing. In most times I brought some paper sheets that were filled with code. I wrote them in class. It were really nice times back then and the engine was growing and getting better. I named the game Dragonblocks and the my style was getting better slowly. I was quite proud when the development was over, and I had many ideas how to improve the game further.


The development of Dragonblocks 2.2 started on the day 2.1 was finished. The biggest goals were to make jumping and building possible. Also I refactored the Engine completely because there were many things that were big shit. I already noticed a lot of bad style during 2.1 but I always thought : Let's just do it later. I also added a Options Menu, through it was quite minimalistic. We used the workstations in the school libary and I also developed in PC class. We were learning about SQLite3 Databases. SQLite can be very useful if you connect it with php or C++ or something, but JUST SQLite is useless and boring. I already knew SQLite, so I was doing something else most times. My classmates didn't, but they were doing something else, too, because they didn't care about informatic at all. Another difference was that while I was programming they were gaming or watching porn(!) or looking for cute monkey pictures while throwing their buggers at each other.
Another big part of Dragonblocks 2.2 was made on the Workstations in the School Library. But again there were fools messing it. There were 5 Workstations and if you wanted to get one at the start of the break you had to hurry. On one PC I was developing Dragonblocks. Sometimes DerZombiiie also got one and developed parts of the game. On all the other PCs there were kids watching funny cat videos or playing online games or something. Many were playing Cookieclicker. And they got more every break. One day there were 30 people staring at the screens, pushing each other and the libary turned form the most quiet place of the school into the loudest. Sometimes they even took my USB Stick and didn't give it back till we told a teacher. But then the teachers denied ANY activities on the workstations but research. And any but research includes coding. So we got banned from the Workstations, through we were the only ones to use them for productive things. I never put my foot into the library again. That was also the time when DerZombiiie and I founded Elidragon. The development of Dragonblocks 2.2 was finished at the 14th of June.


After 2.2 i started 3.0 because the Gravity3 Engine had many corners that were junk, lots of leftover code that had no use anymore and still a bad style. But during the development of 3.0 I decidet thought i could do an 2.2.1 to make 2.2 more playable. But that got a bigger project so I named it 2.3.


Coming Soon! You can play the snapshots we release after every development step!

Dragonblocks Wiki